The Left Ventricle Assist Device (LVAD) is a pump that was implanted August 18 to help my heart function. The pump looks like the bottom of a kitchen sink and is made mostly of titanium. It weighs around 7 pounds. It is connected to both my aorta and left ventricle. Basically, my heart still beats, but instead of the heart pumping the blood to the body, it pumps the blood into the LVAD and the LVAD pushes it to the rest of the body. It is a continuous pump, so I have no pulse. :-) Here is a picture of the LVAD:

A lot of people have asked if I can feel the pump in my stomach. Every once in a while if I lay a certain way, I can feel a heaviness in my chest. Also, I hear the pump continuously in my ears (it sort of sounds like a vacuum cleaner). It isn't annoying or loud, just there.
It's amazing how far advanced the medical field has come. I am so thankful to the people who have given so much of their lives for this surgery. And I thank God continuously that He is watching over us and has provided a way for me to spend more time with those I love. Every day I wake up and tell myself, "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." It's a new mind set when you know how precious each day is.
The pump will only be necessary until I get a heart transplant. In February they will test my heart and lung pressures again, and if they have improved, I will be bumped up on the transplant list. When I get a new heart, my LVAD and defibrillator will be removed. Praise God! I never thought I would be praying for a heart transplant, but we never know what trials we must go through.
I was talking to my sister yesterday about how there are two ways to look at every situation: with anger or sadness for the things that are tough or with thankfulness and joy for the blessings and mercy from things that could be worse. Ray and I have chosen to try our best to be thankful for the many blessings we have been given and for the way God has watched over and protected us during this difficult time. It is easy for us to get sad and discouraged, but it seems when that happens that God sends some words of encouragement to help remind us of His love for us.