These last few months have been a wonderful respite from the six months we spent in the hospital. Some times I think God pushes us to our breaking point and then picks us up in love and gives us rest.
My walking has increased to a little over a two-mile hike each day with a wonderful friend whose conversations make the walk one of my favorite times of the day. We are learning to cook new foods (I will be posting some of my favorite recipes shortly). And we are spending lots of time with family and friends. I was even able to do a little volunteer audit (pretty sure some of the many drugs I had in the hospital have tainted my abilities, but it felt wonderful to challenge myself mentally).
There is something about having a terminal illness that teaches us to appreciate each day. The relationships that have blossomed to new levels and the daily realizations that each memory builds ripple affects that can change lives gives me hope each day and motivation to make the most of my time.
Also, the Christian talk show that Ray and I shot a few weeks ago is online if you are interested in watching it (I think only the first show is on the website today but the other should be added in the next day or so). We are so thankful that others may be encouraged through our struggle. And I hope that it is an encouragement to everyone that all things are possible with God and that all things work together for good for those that love Him.(
Also, they have set up a bunch of testing for next Tuesday, April 6. They will do an echo (ultrasound of my heart) while turning off my pump. Then they will do a right heart cath (stick a long tube through my next to my heart). While the swan is still in my neck, they will bring in a recumbent bike and have me exercise my heart with the heart pump turned down and a mask on to measure my use of oxygen. If all goes well, and I am certain it will, the pump will be scheduled to be removed at my surgeon's first available slot.

We would really appreciate all of your prayers for the testing and the upcoming surgery. We know those prayers are what has brought us this far and we are needing them to calm our fears of the upcoming surgery. We know God is in control, but some times we have to face the pain that comes with the valley before we get to that mountain top. God has been so good to us and we are so grateful, but we need His continued grace. So again, please just keep this testing in your prayers. And thanks for being a part of this with us.