This past week I have been contemplating timing. It has been astounding to me how many major decisions in life are made simply by the timing in which they are presented to us. When looking back on my life, I am just amazed that so many of our choices were the right ones, despite our circumstances... or maybe because of our circumstances.
One memory that I keep repeating over and over in my mind, is April 6, the day of my testing. When I went to the hospital that day, I was certain my heart pump would be removed. Some of the testing was invasive and painful and I always find myself singing in my head to distract my mind from the pain. The song I sang that day during my procedures, was "In His Time. In His Time. He makes all things beautiful, in His time. Lord please show me every day, as You're teaching me Your ways, that You do just what You say. In Your time." How appropriate when I was blasted with the news that my pump wouldn't be coming out. I realize now that just as fire tests the purity of silver, so these trials purify my faith. My entire life I always thought there was no way I could handle having a terminal illness, but now I know that with God's help, I can. :-)
Also, I have been thinking about January 11, the day I went in for the heart transplant. God had prepared my heart for the transplant and I was at peace, only to wake up and find that He gave me a miracle. The possibilities have lingered in my mind lately of how I could have had the transplant and be struggling with the medications or illness now.
It is just interesting to me that no matter how much I grow, I still seem to be surprised when something gets thrown into my path - good or bad. But I am grateful that I have learned, everything follows a timeline of God's will. And we are so blessed for that!
By the way, I am still feeling great. My heart pump numbers get a little better each week. I am walking over 2 miles a day. My family and friends have been wonderful visitors. We just moved my Dad out last weekend so Ray and I are alone again. However, I have come to enjoy the alone time and appreciate company all the more! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.