This week a dear friend of mine lost the battle with her heart. It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to start using this blog to educate people on the importance of a heart healthy lifestyle. Please know that I do this because I care for each of you and want you to get the most out of your life.
I am currently reading a book entitled, "The Great American Heart Hoax" that was written by a cardiologist, Dr. Ozner. He wrote something that stopped me in my tracks. Before you read it, can I ask you, are you taking any heart meds? Any blood pressure meds? Cholesterol meds? Pain meds?
A study published by Harvard-based researchers in the New England
Journal of Medecine concluded that lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, etc.)
are capable of reducing cardiovascular disease risk by more than 80% -
a figure that trumps even statin drugs (Lipitor, etc.) known to reduce
the relative risk of cardiovascular disease risk by only 30-35%. Heart
disease symptoms are equally affected; the Lifestyle Heart Trial
conducted by Dr. Dean Ornish found a 91% reduction in the
frequency of chest pain through lifestyle changes alone.
This really helps motivate me to take control of my diet and exercise. If you are thinking that you don't have heart problems and don't think this applies to you, let me plead with you to not only consider that you might be at risk for DEVELOPING heart problems or perhaps any other ailments in your life. So often we are looking for a pill or easy solution when what we really need to do is buckle down and change our lives. I realize life changes are difficult and sometimes happen slowly, but it is amazing what you can accomplish one day at a time, especially with prayer for strength.
Loss of my heart failure friends has led me to often ask God why He chose to heal me. I imagine that I will never know the answer to that question, but I will continue to make the most of the life I have left. Also, I believe a huge factor in my healing was the ability to make lifestyle changes. Thanks to my husband, parents, family, and friends we immediately began eating low-sodium, exercising each day, eliminating stress, taking my meds regularly, monitoring my vitals each day, and seeing all my doctors regularly. It's a tall order, but again, with daily prayer and determination, God will help you make those changes... and I'll be happy to do what I can to encourage you as well. Make a change in your life and make it better. There is no time like today.