About Me

In March 2009 I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy - Heart Failure. Within two months, it progressed to end-stage. In August 2009 I had a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) implanted to help my heart pump blood. Then in December I was placed on the heart transplant list. On January 11, 2010 a heart became available for me and I was taken to the operating room. While on the table, the surgeons found that my own heart had began to heal. I didn't get that transplant and subsequently had my LVAD removed in September 2010. Today, I have a new appreciation for life and am learning to take each day one step at a time.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Recap of Non-Transplant Day

It has occurred to me through several of your questions, that we never took the time to write about January 11, my non-transplant miracle day. Let me share with you some of the miracles and thoughts from that day (sorry it is a bit long, but it's a good story).

While I am in the hospital, my family never leaves me alone. However, some times in the mornings after Ray leaves for work and before Dad arrives, I have a few minutes to myself. It was in that time that the transplant team came to my room and delivered the precious news that a donor heart would be ready for me by evening. I was immediately shocked and terrified and relieved. They did tell me the donor was 29 and local and that it was a good heart. I immediately began praying... trying to calm the emotions that were welling inside.

It truly didn't matter that I was alone, because I think every nurse, PCA, doctor, staff, etc. from the hospital came to celebrate with me. And I mean celebrate. The OSU staff know that a new heart saves lives, and they know that without one, their patients pass on. They have such difficult jobs, and they have learned how to take excellent care of their patients, including the ones that just found out they are going to have their chest cut open, their bones sawed in half, their heart pulled out, and a new one put in place. They kept coming in and crying, yelling, encouraging, and celebrating with me. And to top it off, the nurse I had that day was the nurse who had originally admitted me to OSU, whom I have developed a wonderful friendship.

The family began arriving, each one with different feelings and emotions. Everyone had a mixture of concern and excitement on their faces. And I felt everyone watching me all day to see how I was reacting (did I mention that we found out about the heart at 9 in the morning but didn't go for surgery until 8:30 that night). I cannot tell you how much it meant to me to have everyone there. We filled my room and the waiting room with family and friends, and I can't think of a better way to spend my last day before the transplant.

In my mind, I was talking with God all day. In an earlier post, I had told you that I felt God had told me that if the transplant was His will, He would make everything "perfect." Well, the heart they had for me was 29 years old and had no heart or drug problems. It seemed like a "perfect" heart to me. So I was telling God that if this was His will, I would try not to be afraid and to trust Him. I was also asking Him that if His will was for me to not get up from the table, that He would take care of Ray and my family and friends and let them remember me before I got sick. My day seemed to start in fear and panic, but by the time I had spent the day in conversation with the Lord, I was at peace for my surgery. A peace that it is so difficult to explain, except to say that it is a knowing in my heart that no matter what happens, God is in control and that made it okay.

We have a dear Christian friend who is an anesthesiologist at OSU. He happened (I believe at God's will) to be on duty that night. When I spoke with him, he seemed a little wary to do the surgery since we had developed a friendship; however, I assured him that having him there with me in the operating room would be very comforting for me. He was the one that came to take me to surgery.

Throughout the day I had received all the transplant medications. They burned going in and made me queasy (not to mention I couldn't eat all day). They also put in an arterial line to monitor my blood pressure more closely. When they wheeled me to surgery, I will never forget the peace I had in knowing that I had no control and that God was guiding my future. That is a place we all should live in every day because then we could quit messing up our lives and be able to let Him guide us; however, for me, it took a transplant to teach me to completely rest in His will. I will never forget the faces of my loved ones when they wheeled me out of the room for surgery (by the way, my dear nurse Maghee actually stayed way past the end of her shift to see me to surgery... she is so sweet).

The operating table is always the most scary for me. The room is cold and extremely bright with tons of equipment and people bustling about and no one really talking to me. This time was a little different because my friend was there. He kept telling me exactly what they were doing. It really made it easy for me to continue in God's peace. Before they actually began to give me drugs, I asked him to say a blessing over me (twice) and began praying.

When I woke up, I had the breathing tube in and felt pretty groggy (those drugs do crazy things to you). I heard the nurse say, "It's a miracle!" I thought, "The surgery must've gone extremely well because I don't feel nearly as bad as I thought I would." Then I opened my eyes enough to see the nurse and knew I was on the wrong floor. Ray was immediately there to tell me what had happened. I made him tell me twice, made my Mom tell me, then made my little sister tell me. God is so great!

It was hard to rejoice at first because the effects of the drugs had worn off and I still had the breathing tube in, which is the toughest part of recovery from surgery for me. Ray told me that the doctors had come out after I had only been in surgery for a few hours and huddled the immediate family into a little room. I couldn't imagine the fear they must've felt. Then they delivered the amazing news... My heart was functioning at 40-50%! There was a lot of shock and unbelief, but from the believers, there was a lot of rejoicing. God answers prayers.

The next morning when I got the breathing tube out and was feeling better, the anesthesiologist called me. He told me that when he was performing all the pre-transplant procedures, he had a little time and decided to do a trans-esophageal echo cardiogram (TEE) to take a look at my heart. (This was not a normal procedure for transplant patients because they are just going to cut out the heart and throw it away.) But since he had a little time, he did the procedure and found my ejection fraction to be around 40-50%. He called in a colleague, who told him not to say anything to the surgeon because I had just had an echo the week before that showed my EF to be 20% and they had turned down my pump and I had had heart failure symptoms. Plus, it was an amazing heart I was going to receive. (And hearts just don't humanly heal themselves, let alone in a week.) But our friend informed the surgeon anyway, who quickly retorted that my EF was only so high because of my pump. He then turned down my heart pump and for 20 minutes they watched my heart beat strong. These were two doctors who had put my heart pump in five months before and said that they had to strain to even see my heart beating at all. Now they were standing in the same operating room, watching it beat strong on the monitor.

My friend was rejoicing with me on the phone. He told me that he was so humbled to be a part of such a big event, God's miracle. I told him, so was I! I have no idea why God chose to heal me that day, but I am certain that it in part was due to the countless number of people and churches who were praying for God's healing.

The surgeon came to see us the next day. It was so sweet... while he was talking, more and more of the OSU staff kept cramming into the room to listen. This was the first time they had ever had a patient's heart heal. The surgeon told me that he had no idea what made my heart sick, and he had no idea what made it better. I told him I did, PRAYER. He just kept right on talking. He said that over the next few months they would start me on heart medications because they hadn't thought there was any need the last several months because they were certain my heart wouldn't heal. But now that it had healed, they wanted to start the medications, perform several tests, and then take out the pump. It will be the first time at OSU that a heart pump is removed to recovery.

Every day I am reminded of God's saving grace. Not just spiritually, but now physically as well. I think some times we don't pray with enough faith. Or we think our problems are too small. Or we wonder why we should pray since healing may not be God's plan. If I could just encourage you that the Bible says if you have an illness to have the elders of the church pray over you. It also says to cast all our burdens on Him because He cares for us. It also constantly talks about Jesus healing the sick according to their faith. I have been wondering lately how we could change the world if we would just starting praying with the kind of faith that has complete confidence in the miracles that Our God can do...

Perhaps my family and friends have more they would like to add to the story or to share their thoughts on the day? If so, please post a comment, for I am sure we would all like to celebrate together.


  1. The day was amazing. No one expected things to happen the way they did. God is amazing. We had been told if a heart becomes available it usually happens at night not in the morning. From the time I got to the hospital to the time of major rejoicing in the waiting room, God was orchestrating a modern day miracle. Why He chose us is so humbling! The docror's at OSU are fantastic, but our faith is in God and may He continue to bless their work! No matter what happens in the future, God has given us much to be thankful for!
    Ken Williams
    Melissa's dad

  2. Melissa
    We were so shocked to hear the news at church. We have been praying for you and Ray so much...wishing over and over again that we would have never moved away from being your neighbors! We would love to come see you and bring you some food...when it is time for you! Please let us know!
    God is GOOD! Praise the Lord! :)

  3. Still rejoicing in God's amazing power and grace. You were on my mind last night so I spent some time praying specifically for your upcoming surgery. That the removal of the pump will be without complications, that your recovery will be quick and complete and that the Peace that passes understanding would continue to flow through your life.

  4. Melissa,

    My memory of that day is the next morning when I checked the blog before heading into work. I remember standing in my kitchen blackberry in hand with tears streaming down my face. I called and woke my Mom up, she had been praying for you, and still is.

    Your faith throughout your illness has been such a challenge and encouragement to me.


  5. Missy and Ray
    Every day I find my walk with God a rock that never waivers. Our world goes all direction and we never know if today will be one ordinary day or a undeniable God day. That call-that day was a God day from the get go. I'll never forget the peace that came over me as I heard you had a heart. I was so blessed to think that I would get to give you a big kiss and hug. Its strang the way we see things when we are so removed from the day to day struggle you all face. So when the call came that you had a beating heart and that heart was the one God made for you at birth-felling so removed-so touched that God was working in a way that was beyond my understanding-infact I still find it beyond my understanding. Its like Jona in the whale and being puked up after all those days-definetly lets me be very aware of how Gods ways are above us. But to be a believer and to be able to know this day is truly a God day. One that will for ever go down in our life as a undeniable miracle. I am so excited to continue on the journey. For by no means is the story complete. Your Legacy will be amazing. The life story is precious and to be your aunt to be able to pray and to be able to know God has amazing things for you and Ray. I love you, I am so blessed to be a part of your world. To see what God does in this miracle and to see what you and Ray do. I am so glad you are like Mary-Staying true to your God-Taking one day at a time-Never under estimating Gods Love for you and Ray. Missy Your Heart is beating WOW!!!!
    Love Aunt Terry

  6. Amazing Blog and an amazing testimony of God's healing power. God is good all the time!
    I met your father through his juice business.

    God Bless you both,
    Norma Rose

  7. Melissa you are the very first person who's blog I am responding to.

    Until today I didn't know that your husband's name was Ray. I guess you won't have any trouble remembering mine.

    I read your ESSAY about the non-transplant day.
    I loved it.

    I have yet to read your other posts. I look forward to seeing you in support group!!
