About Me

In March 2009 I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy - Heart Failure. Within two months, it progressed to end-stage. In August 2009 I had a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) implanted to help my heart pump blood. Then in December I was placed on the heart transplant list. On January 11, 2010 a heart became available for me and I was taken to the operating room. While on the table, the surgeons found that my own heart had began to heal. I didn't get that transplant and subsequently had my LVAD removed in September 2010. Today, I have a new appreciation for life and am learning to take each day one step at a time.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Doctor's Visit

Last week I had an appointment with my cardiologist and to have my pacemaker/defibrillator interrogated.  Excited to report that all seems well.  Just one minor run of Vtach in over 5 months... That's pretty awesome. My doctor adjusted a few of my meds and tweaked my pacemaker down a bit.  The bad news is that she put me on fish oil. YUCK!!

She also ordered an echo (ultrasound) of my heart at our next meeting in June. But she said that my feeling well is what is really important.  I am so thankful for my medical team and the way they have helped me get back to a semi-normal life. 

This week has brought with it the loss of several of my friends loved ones. Yesterday I was talking with some friends that were feeling a little discouraged at how many of the people around them have passed away.  It reminded me of how precious time with loved ones is and how each of us does not know the time when our life on earth will come to a close.  It strengthened my resolve to be so thankful for each day and to try to make it count. Thank you to every precious person in my life. This past birthday week was an incredible one!! I am so blessed.

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